Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2nd Dyslexia Bill in OH

Representative Kirk Schuring is calling for co-sponsors on a Dyslexia Bill so that Educational Service Centers (ESCs) will be able to hire Dyslexia Specialists on their State Support Teams.
We need your help and support for this bill. Please email or call your Ohio Representatives and ask them to sign on as co-sponsors to this important teacher training bill for the Educational Service Centers.
Current co-sponsors for this bill calling for Dyslexia Specialists at ESCs include:
Rep. Snitchler (also co-sponsored HB 96)
Rep. Derickson
Rep. Hall
Rep. Combs
Rep. Letson
Rep. Stebelton (also co-sponored HB 96)

To find your representative's contact information, go to: http://www.house.state.oh.us/index.php?option=com_displaymembers&Itemid=58

Or leave a telephone message at 1-800-282-0253. Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Remember to also contact Representatives who co-sponsored HB 96 (Early Identification) and have not signed onto this 2nd Dyslexia bill yet, including:

Reps. Celeste, Brenner, Amstutz, Garland, Foley, Letson, Weddington, Pillich, Dovilla, Patmon, Ramos, Hollington, Phillips, Lundy, Thompson, O'Brien, Yuko, Murray, Williams, Stinziano, Stautberg, Antonio, Reece, Hagan, Fende, Fedor, Milkovich, Clyde, Winburn

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